Colour Therapy

(Powerful influence on the bodies chemistry)

Waves of light vibrating at different frequencies causes the colours that we see, and it is these frequencies that are believed to affect our health in different ways.
The retina detects these waves of light and converts it electrical pulses that journey into the brain causing its different parts to respond differently. The brains responses and interactions with these light waves stimulate the endocrine system to release or reduce hormone production of melatonin and serotonin that have been proven to alter moods.
All living entities can be affected by the profound healing effect of light. As we are surrounded by it all the time picking up its reflected rays so that we can see and function in the physical world around us.
The use of colour therapy is used to invoke healing by balancing the energy that is scarce in various areas of the body that are afflicted with physical and emotional problems.
It is also recognised by scientists that colour invokes all kinds of emotional reactions that differ in each individual. Therefore energy balances may be depicted by the colours we react to. This explains why, during specific times in our lives we can be drawn to certain colours when we are in need for energy balancing and healing.

Colour light energy has a long history with the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. They exposed the sufferers of sickness where brought out in sun light as a remedy to heal their wounds or sicknesses. Soon these ancient cultures implemented coloured filters into the healing process under which the people afflicted with disease could sit. These ancient cultures also incorporated coloured stones, cloth, crystals, dyes and remedies into the healing method of colour light energy. In India, Ayurveda practitioners aligned colour with the energy points in the human body known as the seven charkras. These seven charkras are the energy centres that represent the organs and spiritual aspects of the human being.

Colour therapy should be practised everyday as opposed to just seeing a colour therapist. Although a colour therapist can advise how to incorporate and utilize colour in everyday life for therapeutic purposes. A session with a therapist may involve counselling of a diagnostic method of asks a few questions in order to verify the underlying causes of the issues needed to be addressed.
Primarily, Colour light therapy can be used for the following benefits.
  • Clear mental block and enhance creativity.
  • Create a harmonious state of being
  • Energy balancing
  • Emotional, physical and mental conditioning.
Some methods used by Colour Healers
  • Special devices that shine coloured light on to specific parts of the body.
  • Or just being in the shine of coloured bulbs.
  • Coloured cloth or swatches are other tools used.
  • Using filters or coloured cloth against the sunlight.
  • Paintings.
  • Or any tool that poses as an appropriate colour. Even the consideration of the colour in the clothes you wear is a form of colour therapy.
  • Imagining or visualising yourself bathed in your needed colours

Colours are capable of causing both positive and negative effects there for the appropriate amount of the right colour is to be considered. And results for colour light therapy can differ, depending on the individual. The point of colour therapy is to regain and rectify balance and equilibrium in the note of harmonious vibrations to secure a state of well being. Surprisingly how many problematic physical issues rectify as well.

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