Its nice to escape the harshness and heaviness of reality at times, and visit for a while, a retreat of paradise that can reside with in you.
These meditations take you through a process of visualizing affirmations / thought forms using creative fantasy and putting them into mental action.
These meditations are mental preparations to aid in the manifestation of your thought forms.Thoughts are building blocks to the universe.
Thought makes vibrational signals which create energy, energy manifests.  Meditations can help create mind sets. By dwelling on a mind set, you build its chance for it to materialize into circumstance. So by applying yourself repeatedly to the same meditation, causes a more specific and stronger image intensifying its reality.
  Prop and posture yourself comfortably.  Surround yourself in a white bubble that radiates a silver protective light.  Know and feel that you are completely safe.  Turn inward, and shift your attention to your natural breathing. This will still the mind and encourage you to become centred. Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings one at a time.  Allow them to surface, then let them pass away.

Imagine a golden light in the shape of a orb. This golden orb gives off all the wonderful sensations of warmth, pulsing,humming,massaging,Physical relaxation and comfort, sensitizing and rejuvenating. Take a moment to focus on the sensations.  The golden orb begins at your feet.  Feel the orb with all it's sensations move from your feet and slowly up along your legs then into your pelvic region, making you feel regenerated and well grounded.    From there the orb moves into your lower spine / abdomen. The golden orb purifies this area leaving you with renewed creative energy.  Now the orb travels into the stomach just underneath the rib cage. Feeling and being are integrated here. Your spiritual and material self become balanced as the orb stimulates this area.  Next, the orb ascends up into your heart. Negative feelings are disarmed here, enabling you to process feelings and emotions so that you love freely without fear. Become conscious of the orb releasing a sense of wholeness and acceptance of life and relationships. 
The warm buzzing orb now sits in the throat clearing any stagnant energy that lingers from repressed expression. Self expression now comes freely from your own inner voice.  The journey of the orb travels up into the brow inviting intuition and awareness into your being.  The final destination of the orb travels to the top of your head. This is where the orb connects you to the divinity of the universe. Know that you are a reflection of the divine. The orbs leaves you with self esteem but takes away your ego.
From here, you can merge into the following meditation . . . . .
There is a wonderful Garden inside yourself. You are there. This is your own private, personal paradise. All things wonderful and joyful reside here. And you are the ruler of this inner sanctuary.  Look around at your garden. Study it. What do you see ? Are there pebbled path ways ? Is there luscious green or colourful plantation?What kind of plants are there? perhaps roses, sunflowers, marigolds? What kind of colours are they. Are there any plants in your garden with magic or medicinal qualities that could cure any ailment weather it be physical, emotional, spiritual ? What kind of theme dose your garden have ? Is it wild over grown and native or perhaps a manicured English cottage ? Are there trees and sheltered area seating ? Is there lawn or paved areas – or both? What about birds, animals or insects, can you see any ? What kind of noise do they make. What kind of noise can you hear? Do you recognise any other features like garden ornamentation ? If so what are they ? Could they be statues or abstract art ? What about rocks (big and small) and bridges ? Do they have any purpose in your paradise ? Can you hear any noise like running water, wind rustling through trees, cicadas, birds chirping. How dose the air around you smell ? Can you smell the aroma of sweet tropical plants, Spicy earthy smells from the soil or is the atmosphere crisp with ceaderwood or pine ?
Move around your garden, examine and explore it. Now that you have established your inner garden try to see a map of it in your mind. How big or small is it. In your garden I want you to create a throne, what is it going to be ? Is it a fluffy Persian rug, with fancy designs and patterns ? Is it a big wooden chair, skilfully shaped and artfully designed ? Is it a long couch with a tall back rest embossed with gems and scattered with silk cushions?  Create the throne of your personality. Take a moment to manifest it in your mind. This throne is your power point. Here, you can be charged with an unlimited power supply.  Seat yourself upon this throne and draw in power. Feel the royal and confident person that your are on this throne, and acknowledge the title that you have, being the throne holder.
The throne is positioned inside a pagoda covered in vines.
The pagoda extends into a isle which is also covered in vines. Scattered amongst the vines are lots of tiny blinking fairy lights. Move front he throne and walk slowly down towards the end of the isle. Approaching the end, the isle gets darker, notice the fairy lights become brighter. Standing at the end of the isle you see a choice of a pool pit, fire pit, mist pit or stair well. 
Choose the pool pit option and proceed on with the follwoing meditation.
Take a slow deep in breath, filling your lungs and abdomen with white Sun/Solar light.  Breath this light into every part of your body.  Now take a deep slow breath out emptying your lungs and abdomen completely.  Breath out all your stress. Continue to do this until it becomes automatic.  Become mindful of all back ground noises, listening to every one of them no matter how small.  In front of you, visualize a deep warm pond. Merge yourself into it and become weightless.  Warm fluid envelopes you as you sink deeper.  Release any thoughts you have one by one in tiny air bubbles that surface to the top and out of site. Stillness shrouds you as you sink further. You are at ease and are experiencing total comfort. The deeper you sink the darker it becomes and the more secure you feel. Keep sinking till your feet find the bottom.  At this point you’ve reached your inner temple, a place of love, purity and peace.  Know that this place needs to be regularly maintained and respected to remain a paradise. As your inner child often resides here.
So with love, do what you have to do here what ever the purpose may be - or just  spend a moment dwelling in its loveliness.  When you are ready and wish to leave bring your weightless body to surface from the pond.
Slowly count to ten and open your eyes.