Beauty Syrup of the Gods

The humble little garden bee, (Also known as a field bee) busily buzz's from one flower to the next gathering the sweet nectar of Gods. The bee stores the nectar in special little compartment sacs with in its body. Once the sacs are filled with the nectar. The bee then regurgitates it into the cells of honey combs back at the bee's nest. From there the house bees supplement the nectar with certain enzymes from their body that matures the nectar into honey, then awaiting to be smeared on toast or over your face as a wonderful moisturiser. That is why honey has been used extensively in various skin care products. Because of honey's hygroscopic traits as a humectant, it is capable of drawing in moisture and sealing it into the skin, as a lack of water dries and ages the skin making wrinkles more pronounced.
Honey's antimicrobial and antioxidant properties aid in protecting the skin against the suns dangerous UV rays, preventing premature aging. That is why honey is also a common ingredient in sun screen products.
Antimicrobial properties in honey tend to treat burns, cuts, sores and even eczema. And the propolis contained in honey aids in the reduction of inflammation very well.
Honey contains Potassium that bacteria cannot survive in, this explains why honey has a long history as a antiseptic in treating small wounds.
Plus honey is serves as a great anti fungal. Mixed with a pinch of cinnamon and applied to affected skin, it treats ring worm.
Honey has the ability to absorb impurities from the skin, great in defeating acne.
Honey serves as a natural preservative which means it has a lengthy shelf life.
Plus, honey is one of the most digestible foods.


Moisturising Mask
  • 2 tsp runny honey
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tsp almond oil
  • 2 tbsp plain natural yoghurt
  • Whisk oil and egg yolk together.
  • Add honey and stir well.
  • Smear over skin evenly with spatula. And leave for fifteen minutes.
  • Rinse off in cool water.
  • Gently towel pat face till dry.
Rejuvenation Mask
  • 1 tsp honey
  • ¼ cup green tea
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp glycerol
  • 2 ½ tbsp flour
  • Mix honey, egg and flour together till it forms a paste.
  • Gradually add green tea and glycerol.
  • Chill in fridge for one hour.
  • Then evenly smear over face and leave for 20 minutes or until paste starts to dry and crack.
  • Rinse of in cool water.

Hair Treatments
Hair conditioner
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp of coco nut oil
  • ½ avocado flesh
  • Mix coco nut oil and avocado flesh together to form paste.
  • Stir in honey to the paste until it well blended in.
  • Apply to face and leave for fifteen minutes.
  • rinse off in cool water.
  • Gently towel dry hair

Hair Loss
  • 2 tbsp of runny honey
  • ½ tsp of cinnamon
  • 2 tsp of oil
  • Blend ingredients into a smooth paste.
  • Comb through in even distributions through out the hair.
  • Leave for fifteen minutes.
  • Wash out in tepid water.
  • Gently towel dry hair

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