Pretty Foods


Inner beauty makes outer beauty

A Daily in take of almonds boosts vitamin C levels
In the peal of many variety of apples is an antioxidant known as Quercetin.  Quercetin provides good sun protection against the sun’s  harmful UVB rays that can cause cancer.
Beans are high in fibre,  full of protein and are a good supply of fatty acids, these fatty acids help strengthen the nails and prevent them from splitting.  Many  beans also contain Zinc and Iron.  Zinc plays a key role in synthesis of DNA and is necessary  for the formation of connective tissue,  teeth , bone , nail, hair and skin.  White spots that appear on the nail plates indicate a deficiency in Zinc.
Similar Foods
·         Lentils
·         Legumes
·         Other beans
Blue Berries
Blue Berries are abundant with vitamin c that acts as super antioxidant that combat toxins while stimulating collagen production.  Blue Berries retard the aging process.
Similar Foods
·         Straw berries
·         Black berries
·         Pomegranate
Carrots contain beta-carotene for fresh clear eyes and minimises crows feet at eye corners.
Similar Foods
·         Sweet potatoes
·         Any other orange fruit or vegetables
Green Tea
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and hydrating for the skin.  It contains an active ingredient that assists in the functioning of a healthy metabolism.  Green tea can also be added to cosmetic creams.
Similar Foods
Is a wonderful source of fiber and helps the bodies elimination of toxins.   Plentiful in Vitamin B, oatmeal  maintains a pretty and clear complexion.
Besides being a powerful antioxidant because of its high Vitamin C potency, oranges also contains a bioflavonoid which builds stronger collagen in the skin making it look fresh and plump.
Similar Foods
·         Lemons
·         Cantaloupes
·         Grapefruits
Oysters are more than just a good source of low fat protein.  They are rich in zinc and B vitamins that make the hair healthy and shiny.
Similar Foods
·         Clams
·         Mussels
·         Lobster
Pumpkin Seeds
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that retards the aging process.  Pumpkin seeds also consist of omega – 3 fatty acids for hair health and the reduction of acne and skin problems.
Similar Foods
·         Chickpeas
·         Sun flower seeds
·         Chia seeds
Romaine Lettuce
One hundred percent of your daily dose of Vitamin C  are in six leaves of Romaine Lettuce. The Potassium in romaine gives skin a invigorating boost of oxygen and nutrients by improving circulation.
The same amount of that lettuce has forty five percent the daily average of Vitamin K that helps stimulate vascular health.   This may help in the reduction of swollen leg veins.
The beautifying omega – 3 fatty acids that hydrates and reduces the inflammation and redness of the skin is found in Salmon.  Salmon also contains selenium which deals with over all skin problems and maintaining its healthy functioning.
Similar foods
·         Sardines
·         Mackerel
Loaded with vitamin E, it targets the growth of new cells.  It’s  full  of cells that act like estrogen  in  the body,  help  to clear the body of acne for a perfect complexion.
A Potent antioxidant that boosts the production of collagen fibers that keep the skin smooth and firm.  The higher its Vitamin C  concentrate the fewer facial lines.  Women with low Vitamin C intake are more likely to suffer from dry skin.  Research shows that ellagic acid, an antioxidant abundant in strawberries, protects the elastic fibers that keep skin from sagging.
Tomatoes are full of fiber and Vitamin A, which aids in the development of skin cells and the maintenance of skin cell health. A lack of Vitamin A can result in dry skin.  Tomatoes also have lycopene which helps offers protection of sun damage.  Tomatoes also consist of Vitamin C, this is a cancer fighting vitamin and keeps the skins elastin and collagen helps prevent the skin from sagging and bruising. Besides eating red keeps skin from turning red.
These nuts are storehouses of alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fat that’s a key component of the lubricating layer that keeps skin moist and supple.  Walnuts include melatonin, a hormone that regulates beauty sleep.


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