Most people will quite readily go along with the metaphor of having themselves that they left somewhere.  Its seems a natural way of looking at it.  For example if a person has lost their confidence, it is somewhere.  The confidence is just not nonexistent.  It might exist 30 years ago at the bottom of the closet asleep, but it is somewhere to be found.  You can often pick up clues about peoples soul parts by their language. “My sense of security was out the window,  “she stole my heart” “he took my innocence" ,  ”my allegiance is still with old management”,” I no longer of my youthful strength”.

A” part” is Usually a package of personal qualities, abilities, or feelings.  The person now, the part that is here is usually missing those qualities.  We can regard a part as being a collection of awareness or spiritual energy.  It has a consciousness of its own.  When the part reintegrates with the rest of the person,  we no longer call it a part, but we address the person as a whole person.
Specifically, trauma incidents are intertwined with the loss of soul parts.  Soul loss also occurs between the ages 1- 10 years as a result of emotional, physical, trauma, fear, sadness, fright or accident.    It can also occur later in life.
Sometimes  our child self (our raw self), can rebel and separate itself from the parent self (spiritual parent).  At some stage sooner or later the child self will want to reunite back with the parent self and become integrated.
Various aspects of our being, those sub personalities ¸have their own separate egos, minds and will, they can often be at odds with one another.  Keeping to in conflict, inner turmoil and separation.  The most difficult problem  is to unify all these conflicting wills towards a single goal.


So one way of searching specifically for points of soul loss would be to have the person scan through her life and note major points of change. Points where she changed, qualities she had then suddenly didn’t have them.
You will then confirm with he person that she will go along with the metaphor .  Is that part of you missing.  And then we basically need to go and find it.
Where are we going to find it?  Where is that part now?
You might have to give some hints on what kind of stuff is possible to start her looking.
Is it in the past?  is it around now?  Where did you last have it? Does somebody else have it? Is it hiding?
The most common is probably that the part is still in the past at the age where one lost it.  The second most common thing is probably that one gave it to another person like in a relationship and it is still with that person. But anything is possible.  It can be in any alternate dimension.  Quite often the parts are in poetic, fairy tale kind of places.  “In the glimmer of the sea at sunrise”  In the eyes of a child’  “In the sorcerer’s castle next to the crystal ball.
If the client has trouble finding the pat, the facilitator can give suggestions.  Use your intuition, or just guess.  Also the facilitator will exude total certainty that we are going to find the part.  If you are certain that you will find it, client will go along and we will find it.
When the part is located we need to go see it.  We can also go travel around looking for it in likely places.  Finding it is not a matter of logic, the person needs to follow her intuition and take whatever likely hints she is offered.
If it is back in the past , the client will go back, similar to what we do in re-experiencing.   No matter where it is we wouldn’t want the person to worry about the logic of how we get there.  We imagine that we are there and we go there, that is all.
When we got gotten to where the part is, we need to find out what it is doing.
Interestingly it will often appear to have a life of its own.  The little girl is still there playing in the school yard, having a good time.  It is often another version of the client, maybe with a younger body and with different qualities that what she has today.
We then need to get into communications with the part.
“Put your attention to the part, say hello to it”
Once it hits the client that it is a real part, the grief of having lost it might very well hit.
Let her spend any necessary time simply to be with it.
The person can have any kind of conversation with the part that she wishes.  They can exchange information and good wishes similar to what we do in polarity integration.  They need to get more familiarized with each other again.
But the main thing we are aiming at accomplishing is to get the part to come back.
Ask the part if it is willing to come back for it to you.
There are reasons for it being there, away from the rest of the person.  Usually some kind of negotiating is necessary or something needs to change about either of them before they can join again.
Ask what would have to change for it to come back.
Are you willing to do that.

What the part would suggest is generally something very positive and valid.  It could be “to be more caring towards others”, to have more self esteem, or something like that.
Quite often the whole thing cannot be completed at once.  The client and her lost part might need to work something out between themselves, maybe of a trial period of more interaction.  That is quite alright; we will take it as far as we can in this session and make sure the process will continue.
Sometimes it is necessary to take the part through some changes.  Maybe it needs to grow up if it’s a little kid.   It can go through the process of growing up and get into the present time.  That shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes.
You would check how far you’ve gotten.  The integrations can sometimes be very subtle, so you would ask the client.
Where is the part now, did it come back.
If the part is ready for re- integrations you might have to talk the client through it.
Welcome the part back ? let it know how glad you are to have it back into your body.
Once the integrations has occurred, the client is often feels euphoric or in a kind of daze.  There is not a whole lot to say about it, but a lot will have changed for the person.  She might not realise how much.
Some grounding might be needed to be done at this point.
Tell the client  that the re-integration progress may continue over the coming days for weeks.
Other variants of missing parts could have slightly different sequence of actions.  If the part was stolen and is in somebodies  else’s possession, then there could other things that would be needed.
We would then get in telepathic communication with the thief  or current owner and negotiate terms for giving it back.  If necessary we will just take it back, but it can be preferable to work out a
Mutually agreeable arrangement.
Another phenomenon that can occur is the ‘Soul Gift”  That is when the client has given a part of themselves.  That is lightly to happen in relationships, and the recipient may not be aware of them at all.  We might run into that as part of  other techniques, such as entity clearing.    The handling would basically be to get into communications with the part, find out how it got there and what its intention is, and ask it to return to its owner.
Soul retrieval is no something you would do many times.   It is a major actins change in a persons life, and shouldn’t be necessary to do more than a few times.  You might do it at most 3-4 times, then maybe every six months or so.
This technique is not mechanical at all.  You are helping the person to be more here, going through what ever steps it takes.  We are working on bringing more of the persons  spiritual qualities and feelings to be here.  When we succeed it often involves miraculous changes for a person.

Self Discovery Practices
Write a list of all the characters of your inner personal drama.  Feel free to let your imagination roam.  For example, there is you, the ego, the child, the adolescent, the adult, the parents, the angel, the alien, the space being, the animal, the best, (and there may be any number of each, not just one)
Personalize and name each one – feeling free to choose whatever you imagine they would like you to call them.
Next develop an ongoing conversation or dialogue with each one of these separate selves, having them speak individually to you. Who ever the dominant you are, then with each other.
It may help to give each character a colour of ink  or even a separate form of handwriting.  Do this by holdling your pen differently for each character, using your left and right hand and different finger positions.  Once you find a hand position for one character to write with stay with it – do not change.  You want to establish and strengthen the link between that character and your nervous system body.

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